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Yes. As the god Osiris had lived, died, and was reborn.

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Q: Did Osiris take an important role for Egyptians as a symbol of resurrection?
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Did osiris take on an important role for the Egyptians as a symbol of resurrection?

yes by pooping

Who was the Egyptian god of underworld?

Ancient Egyptians believed in many different gods. The god of the underworld was called Osiris, he was also the symbol of reserection and one of the first westerners.Osiris.

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Egyptians worship the sun God, Osiris and they believed that they needed to be buried showing a sign of devotion to Osiris. Not only were their arms crossed but often their legs would be crossed as well. The X is believed to be the sign of Osiris and was used as a symbol throughout tombs on the walls showing respect.

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The god Osiris is usually depicted as a mummified king with green skin, wearing the hDt ("white crown") flanked with two long feathers. He can be seen holding the crook and fly-whisk of royalty.Sometimes, when shown standing, he holds the long sceptre called wAs, a hieroglyph sign for authority or dominion which is also carried by many other gods and goddesses. It has a jackal-like head at the top and a forked shape at the lower end.

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scarab beetle - sacred symbol. Symbol of creation, regeneration, renewal and resurrection.