The Jewish people as a whole, both watered down and pure, where scatered primarily across the whole of the Muslim world, and the Americas, mostly North America. As a group of people they did not live in any single country. Furthermore, although small numbers of families lived there, for the most part Jews did not live in significant numbers in Africa or East Asia. It was mostly the Muslim world, Europe, and the Americas. Although a significant number DID move to China, that community has dissapeared; it has been absorbed by the population completely. If there are any Jews left in China, highly likely they live in Hong Kong, also highly likely they are British. [[User:|]]stardingo747
The Jewish people now have the nation of Israel .
Israel was created for the Jews.The country of Israel was created for the Jewish people.
The homeland of Jewish Faith is Israel.
Israel, the Jewish people.
Israel was never owned by Europeans, the state of Israel was officially created after world war two. The Hebrew people (Jewish folks) were basically nomadic before then.
The Jewish people originated in Israel, but today there are also Jews in almost every country on the planet.
In Israel, because most of the population of Israel (75%) is Jewish.
Which state has the highest jewish population?
75% of the population of Israel is Jewish.
If they do, it would be Israel, set up after WW II to give the Jews their ancestral homeland.yes its called israel