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Most scholars believe that Jesus spoke Aramaic, not Armenian.

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Q: Did Jesus speak more than the Armenian language?
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How do you say I do not speak Armenian in Armenian?

Western Armenian dialect you would say Hayeren chem keeder or you could say Hayeren chem khoseer- which literally translates to "Armenian, I don't know" or "Armenian, I don't speak". In Armenian phonetics, you put the subject first, then the description last. Western Armenian is the dialect known mostly to the diaspora of Armenians, living throughout the world. But if you are in the country of Armenia, they speak a different dialect - Hayastanci - and they would definitely understand what the two phrases above mean but they speak a different dialect so don't be surprised if you see more than a couple of answers on here...

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A person who can speak more than one language is called a polyglot.

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What were the cultural effects of the Armenian and Turkish genocides?

The Armenian Genocide affected the Armenian population by murdering 1,500,000 Armenians, orphaning 300,000 Armenians who were adopted by Turks and Kurds, sent 400,000 refugees Eastern Armenia (Russian Empire), and left another 400,000 scattered across the globe mostly in the midde east. Many ancient Armenian manuscripts were burned, many historical fortresses and chruches were demolished, and the Western Armenian language which was native to Western Armenia (Ottoman Empire) was devastated by losing the soil on which it was spoken. There are currently more than 4,000,000 Western Armenians in the Diaspora only 900,000 speak Western Armenian as a native language. Armenians were pushed off of the lands they had inhabited for over 5,000 years.

Was Jesus white and did he speak American?

Jesus spoke Aramaic, this was before Chris Columbus discovered America so the Amercian variation of the English language did not exist. Jesus' skin tone was probably more of an olive tone than white or black.

Do they speak more than one language?


What are you if you can speak two languages?

You are bilingual if you can speak more than one language.

What is it called when you speak more than one language?

Being able to speak more than one language fluently is called being bilingual.

Is it proper English to say speak sign language?

No, it is more appropriate to say "communicate in sign language" as sign language is a visual-gestural language and not spoken.

How come you speak different language and not just one?

If you can only speak one language that's fine because it suits the environment that you live in but if you speak more than one language that's even better because you can speak to foreign people and will be able to speak a particular language when you go to a different country.

Why were Jesus' words recorded in Greek and what language did he speak?

Jesus' words were recorded in Greek because Greek was the lingua franca of the Eastern Mediterranean at the time. It was a widely spoken language, making it a practical choice for spreading the message of Jesus to a diverse audience. It is believed that Jesus spoke Aramaic, a Semitic language closely related to Hebrew, which was the common language of the Jewish people in Judea during that period.

What do Romania speak?

The official language of Romania is the Romanian language (mother language for more than 90 % of the inhabitants).