Harold Holt's birth name is Harold Edward Holt.
Harold Holt did not have any children of his own but the lady the he married did and they then became Harold's children by marriage there names where Nicolas, Sam and Andrew .
Harold Holt was born in Stanmore, Sydney.
Harold Holt was born on August 5, 1908.
Harold Holt was born on August 5, 1908.
Harold Holt was in the Liberal Party
His full name is Harold Edward Holt.
The duration of Who Killed Harold Holt? is 3600.0 seconds.
Chris Holt
Harold Holt had three children there names were Nicholas, Sam and Andrew
Harold Holt died on December 17, 1967 at the age of 59.
Harold Holt's birthday is on 5th of august. He was born in the year 1908 in Sydney.