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yes because without people to believe in them they would just fade away

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Q: Did Greek gods need people
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How are the Greek gods different to the Greek people?

People don't have powers but the gods do

How are Greek gods different to Greek people?

greek people adored the gods and they say that depending on how much they adore them the gods helped them.

Who decided that Greek Gods were gods?

people in Greece

How are Greek gods similar to Greek people?

both are greek

Do people still worship the Greek gods?

yes even i am a strong beleiver in the greek gods and i don see why people think it is so bad to believe in the greek gods just because they are different what is the difference between the greek gods and the cristian gods

Did greek gods and goddesses do the same thing as the people that weren't greek gods and goddesses?

no they had special powers

Can people be children of the Greek gods?

They could, in theory, if the Greek gods actually existed, which of course they don't.

Did Greek gods record myths?

myths are Greek storeys that aren't true their were the Greek gods but they weren't the real god they were people that were called the gods so there people would worship them .no one could ever prove it .

What are Greek people?

naked gods with money

Where do Greek people honor the gods?

In the temples

Hera is the greek god of what?

she is wife to Zeus making her Queen of greek goddess, gods, half gods, demi gods, nymphs, people, etc.

What is the difference between the Roman gods and the Greek gods in The Lost Hero?

How they are perceived by the ancient people who worshiped them; the Greek gods as interactive and social, the Roman gods as remote and revered as gods and military.