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Zeus, like all gods, are supposed to be immortal, and unable to die.

In Greek mythology Zeus never died.

The only relation between Zeus and Aphrodite is in Iliad where Homer supports that Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus and Dione.

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Q: Did Aphrodite kill Zeus
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Who did Zeus kill when Aphrodite was born?

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Is Aphrodite the son of Zeus?

Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus.

Who are Aphrodite and Zeus?

Aphrodite and Zeus are a Greek god and goddes. Zeus is the leader of all the gods and Aphrodite is the goddess of love.

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Was Zeus married 2 Aphrodite?

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Are Aphrodite and Zeus brother and sister?

No, Aphrodite and Zeus are not brother and sister. In Greek mythology, Zeus is the king of the gods and Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. Zeus is usually portrayed as the father of many gods and goddesses, including Aphrodite.

Is Zeus the father of Aphrodite's children?

Some myths claim that Zeus is the father of Priapos by Aphrodite.

How are Aphrodite and Zeus different?

Aphrodite couldn't die

What Aphrodite father?

The father of Aphrodite is Zeus or Ouranos.

Are Aphrodite and Zeus related?

Yes, Aphrodite and Zeus are related in Greek mythology. Aphrodite is considered the daughter of Zeus in some accounts, while in other traditions Aphrodite is born from the sea foam, after Zeus' father, Cronus, castrated him and his parts fell into the sea.