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American soliders came to Trinidad during the second world war

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Q: Did American soldiers went down to Trinidad?
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Some people think that Benedict Arnold is important because he was a traitor in the American Revolutionary War. He was first a great general for the American soldiers but then things all of sudden changed and he went over to be a British Soldier because he thought that the American soldiers would lose against the British. But turns out that he was wrong about that because the American soldiers won the American Revolutionary War between American soldiers and British soldiers. ~Thank You~

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Has Trinidad and Tobago ever won the World Cup?

No, Trinidad & Tobago have never won the world cup. Their only appearance was in 2006, where they went out in the group stage.

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During the british rule many indians went to other countries to work in the plantations. Some went to Trinidad and as they were hindus and muslims they brought their religious beliefs with them and today these faiths are prominent there.

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when soldiers went to sleep they needed the wood for fires and sharpening weapons so they needed an axe to help cut down the trees