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No. The only time Lincoln was near the fighting was when Confederates under General Jubal Early made a raid on Washington DC in July 1864. These Confederates entered Maryland west of Washington, circled northeast, and came down on Washington from the north, near where Walter Reed Hospital is today. The purpose of the raid was to cause Grant to detach men from his army facing Lee at Petersburg and hurry them to the defense of Washington. This came to pass as Grant sent most of two army corps hurriedly to Washington. By that stage of the war Washington was completely ringed by fortifications - imposing earthworks completely connected by trenches, with strong points called forts. The troops Grant sent were filing into these works when the Confederates arrived, and the Rebels did no more than "demonstrate" as though they might attack, and indulged in some long range firing at the Yankees in their earthworks. Lincoln went out to see the excitement. This is said to be the only time a US president has been under enemy fire. It probably never happened but one story frequently told of this incident is that Lincoln was peering over the earthworks at the Confederates when future Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., then a captain in a Massachusetts regiment, not recognizing the president, told him "Get down, you damn fool!".

Lincoln was a frequent visitor to the Union Army of the Potomac. He was visiting the army and spending time with General Grant at his headquarters near Petersburg when the Confederates tried a last gasp, desperation attack in the night of March 25, 1865. The Rebels captured a strongpoint in the Yankee fortifications called Fort Stedman, but when daylight came they were exposed to the fire of surrounding Yankees and had to surrender. Close to two thousand were taken prisoner. They were put in a stockade, and Lincoln went to take a look at these just-captured Rebels, some of whom may have recognized him. An odd moment of the war.

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No. Abraham Lincoln was the President and Commander in Chief of the United States, during the American Civil War.

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