It is 706 miles according to Google Maps.
Distance from Virginia Beach, VA to Balad, Iraq is 6204 mi. The Virgina Beach is situated in U.S. state of Virginia. You get connected from US to Iraq with the help of online international calling.
By car: 2,741 mi By plane: close to 1, 750 mi
How many miles from Richmond VA is Virginia Beach, VA?
1965 miles
The distance from Alexandria, VA to Virginia Beach, VA is approximately 200 miles by road.
The halfway point between Buckhannon, WV and Virginia Beach, VA is Troy, VA 22974, USA.
What city is halfway between charlotte NC and Virginia Beach VA?
Virginia Beach, Virginia, is in telephone area code +1 757.
about 20 miles
The address of the Beach Butterfly Foundation is: 2820 Charlemagne Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23451-1357
The address of the Adam Thoroughgood House is: 3131 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23452