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wut is china's climate

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Q: Describe the climate including rainfall and temperature about china?
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How do you describe rainfall on climate garphs?


What two main characteristics describe weather?

average teperature and precipitation.

What are 2 charteristics used to describe the climate of an aera?

The temperature and the rainfall. e.g. North western Europe has a climate described as 'Warm summer, cool Winters, Precipitation at all seasons., The Mediterranean has a climate described as 'Hot dry Summers, mild wet Winters'. Notice in both these descriotions 'temperature' and 'rainfall' are both brought into the statements. Similarly with other climatic types.

What information is presented in a climate graph?

The information that are in a climate graph are temperature and rainfall.

What are climatograms?

A Desert Climatogram is a graph that shows the temperature and rainfall, for each month in the year, for the Desert. A Desert Climatogram is a graph that shows the temperature and rainfall, for each month in the year, for the Desert.

What does not influence temperatures?

The climate is usually measured by temperature and precipitation or rainfall. The Earth's surface does not have an impact on the temperature or climate.

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What determines climate in an area?

Is determined by long-term averages of temperature and rainfall.

What are 2 factors that affect the rate of weathering?

The most important factors that determine the rate at which weathering occurs are the type of rock and the climate. Rainfall affects the rate of weathering.

What is amount of rainfall so important for the climate?

Rainfall is very important in determination climate of a place .If there is no rainfall plants will not grow moderate temperature 25 to 35 C there is no rainfall become barren turn into a desert

Why is bamboo suited to the climate of east Asia?

it can stand seasonal differences in temperature and rainfall

What is any alteration in temperature rainfall strom activity and cloud fromation?

climate change-(: