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Q: Countries met in 1884 at the Berlin Conference to divide up Africa?
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What was the Berlin Conference of 1885-1886 notable for establishing?

The reason for the Berlin Conference was to establish a way to divide Africa, while preventing European countries going to\ war for it.

Was the meeting of 14 European nations to divide Africa?

It was the Conference of Berlin

Site of a European conference that drew boundary lines to divide up the continent of Africa?

The city of Berlin, Germany was the site of the Berlin Conference from November, 1884 to February, 1885, during which European countries negotiated colonial boundaries and trade during the "Scramble for Africa" (New Imperialism) that began around 1880.

Site of European conference that drew boundary lines to divide up the continent of Africa?


When was the Berlin conference and what did it do?

1884 - 1885. Goal was to divide up Africa between all the European nations except for Switzerland.

African representatives attended the Berlin Conference?

The countries that attended the Berlin Conference (1884-1885) were Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Danmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden-Norway (unified from 1814-1905), the Ottomn Empire (Turkey), and the United States of America.

How many nations met in Berlin to divide up Africa?

14 nations or countries.

What is the Berlin conference?

There are a number of things that the Berlin conference accomplished. The European nations came agreed on how to divide the African countries peacefully. The conference took place in 1885.

What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference of 1884?

14 European countries created African colonial boarders.

What was the Berlin conference about?

The Berlin Conference was pretty much the dividing of Africa. The country leaders of Austria-Hungary, Sweden-Norway, Portugal, Spain, Holland, The United Kingdom, and other European countries attended this. The countries went here because of the raw minerals and slaves in Africa. You might learn in class about the Triangle Trade which consists of the trading from European countries to African countries to the United States. The Berlin Conference was held in Berlin, Germany It took place from November 1884 to February 1885. Not even a year between the two. This is significant because the leaders did this to avoid war. That didn't really work out because Holland had control of South Africa. Great Britain decided to go and take Holland. There ended up being a war between the 2 and Great Britain won South Africa.

What are the 5 W's of the Conference of Berlin?

Conference of BerlinWho: European colonists and Africans The conference was convened by Portugal but led by Otto von Bismarck, chancellor of the newly united Germany.What: meeting between European nations to create rules on how to peacefully divide Africa among them for colonization.When: 1884-1885Where: Berlin in EuropeWhy: Control of Africa's wealth and resources

What did the Berlin conference accomplish?

It approved partition among European powers and agreed that future acquisitions could be gained by "effective occupation" - in other words force. What had previously been a matter largely of exploration and (usually predatory) treaty-making would henceforth be a process of armed conquest of the interior. For Congo, the conference formalised the brutal personal rule of King Leopold II and his private intermediaries.