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No, they weren't even considered citizens.

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Yes. Some slaves were allowed to be classed as "Free men" and these people often took up residence in the country they spent most of their lives in

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Q: Could slaves become citizens in Athens and Rome?
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Who were not citizens in Athens?

Those who could not prove their Athenian ancestry, resident aliens foreigners, women, children, slaves.

Who could not vote in Athens?

the metics ,and the slaves could not be citizens of Athens because

Could women become citizens in Athens and in Rome could slaves?

In Rome women were citizens and had the rights which citizenship conferred, expect for the right to vote and to hold public office. In Athens and the rest of Greece women were not considered citizens. Expect for Sparta they had no legal personhood and were under the guardianship of their kurios (lord, master) who was the father (or if dead, her uncle or brothers) or the husband.

Who could vote in athens?

woman,slaves and immagrantys were not allowed to vote in ancient Athens

What Groups Could Not Participate In The Political Process?

women, immigrants,and slaves, because they could not become citizens

What groups could not participate in political process?

women, immigrants,and slaves, because they could not become citizens

What three groups of people could not be citizens in ancient Greece?

Well if your talking about Athens the Capital of Ancient Greece - Women, criminals and slaves couldn't vote but in Sparta Women could.

What did Athenians consider citizenship?

Many of the Athenians considered citizenship a privilege.

Is it in Sparta or in Athens that only men could be citizens of a polis?

in Sparta were only free men citizens?

Why were the rights and responsibilities of Greek citizens?

In Athens, only males who were at least 18 owned land and were free, and both parents of the male had to be the children of citizens. Females, no matter how high born, could not become citizens. Slaves and Foreigners could not become citizens. Also, man slaves could not be citizens either. Citizens were expected to attend regular meetings, as well as serve in the army or navy.

Who could vote in Greece?

Only the male citizens of Athens could vote.

Who does not qualify as a citizen in ancient Athens?

Being male, of at least a certain age, having both parents born in the city and having a minimum of wealth were all standards applied at different times. Additionally, a noncitizen could also be enfranchised by an election to do so, for example as happened to the slaves who rowed at Arginusae.