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negative correlation

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Q: Correlation between exam score and amount of time spent on the exam is an example of?
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Example of split-half method?

An example of the split-half method of reliability is splitting a test into two parts by a specific area, then administering the entire test to a class. The score is then calculated for each previously identified area and the correlation is determined between the two.

What is the correlation between sat math score and gre quantitative score?

Sat maths is for Undergraduates (BS), Gre Quant for Graduates (MS) Sat Quant is little tougher than GRE Quant

How do you get a score in golf?

A golf score is counted up by the amount of shots you hit in order, between tee box and into the hole.

What type of correlation would be expected between shoe size and grade point average?

I would expect a mild negative correlation. Girls tend to have smaller feet and so smaller shoe sizes and they tend t o score better at school.

What are the example of inferential statistics?

Mean, variance, t-statistic, z-score, chi-squared statistic, F-statistic, Mann-Whitney U, Wilcoxon W, Pearson's correlation and so on.

Does cancelling term life insurance lower FICO score?

No, insurance does not have anything to do with a FICO score. Insurance it maid as you go. Its like asking if you cancel your phone service will your credit score change. The two have no correlation.

What are the top 2 factors in your FICO score?

The top 2 factors of FICO score are payment history and amount owed. Payment history has a 35 % of the total score, while amount owed has a 30 % of the total score.

What is a scatter diagram how is it useful?

Sometimes when we graph the relationship between two varying quantities of real life on a coordinate plane we get dots scattered on coordinate plane. For example graph average math score of students from grade 8. Let's consider their 8-week score. (1, 50) (2, 52), (3, 49), (4, 58), (5, 60), (6, 65), (7, 64), (8, 68). If you plot these coordinates you will get the points scattered points. 1) It is helpful to study the relationship between two varying quantities. 2) It says whether the relation is positive or negative. Sometimes we may not have any relation. 3) Such relation is called as correlation. 4) In the above example the graph has positive correlation. As the week increases the average scores also increases. There may be some down fall. Overall, it is a positive variation.

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When using the math term, spread, it means the distance between two numbers. For example, if a football score ends with a score of 25 to 17, the spread is 8.

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Bowling scores would be a positive correlation because the higher the score, the better the game. Golf scores would be negative correlations because the higher the score, the worse you are playing.

How do you get 2000 dollars on Club Penguin?

You play games around Club Penguin to earn money. Usually they divide 10 from your score and that's the amount of money you get. For example, your score is 2500. You will get 250 coins because 2500 divided by 19 equals 250.

What is a weak negative correlation?

A negative correlation is when you compare 2 sets of data on a line graph (e.g. scores in a French test and scores in an English test), the higher one thing is, the lower the other is (e.g. someone might score 98% on the French test but only 12% on the English test (or visa versa)). A positive correlation is the other way around. A weak correlation is when there is a lot of deviation from the line of best fit (there will always be one with correlations as a line of best fit shows correlations after all) whereas with a strong correlation, there is little deviation.