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Q: Colonial radicals formed these groups in towns through the colonies to keep the public informed about abuse of colonial rights by the British government?
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Colonial radicals formed these groups in towns through the colonies to keep the public informed about abuse of colonial rights by the British government They were?

The Committees of Correspondence were shadow governments formed by the Patriots. Due to the distance between the colonies, very important news could be delayed. The Main purpose was to inform and pass information through the colonies about any impending British actions.

What did Thomas Jefferson suggest colonies form to keep each other informed about British actions?

Thomas Jefferson suggested colonies form committees of correspondence to keep each other informed about British actions. A total of about 7,000 to 8,000 Patriots served on these committees at the colonial and local levels.

How did committees of correspondence help keep people informed?

Exchanged letters on colonial affairs.

How did the committees of correspondence help keep people informed?

Exchanged letters on colonial affairs.

Why were western educated asians and africans able to lead most anti-colonial movements?

The western educated Asian and Africans were able to lead most anti-colonial movements because they were informed. As the saying goes education is power.

What was the responsibility of the committees of correspondence?

To keep colonists informed of british anticolonial action and to plan colonial hesistance or countermesure this is the real answer I swear it hopefully this helps

What was the responsibility of the Committee of Correspondence?

To keep colonists informed of british anticolonial action and to plan colonial hesistance or countermesure this is the real answer I swear it hopefully this helps

What did the committees of corresponding do?

They secretly sent messages through out the 13 colonies against the actions of Great Britain.

How were colonial assemblies established?

In most cases they ran the day to day business of a town. The committees elected people to handle garbage pick up, collect taxes etc. As war drew near some of these committees became comittees of correspondence which kept other towns informed about the acts and movements of the British.

In the early 1700 the Boston news letter was the only local newspaper in the colonies?


What role did the religion play in education during the colonial period?

During the Colonial Period in America's history, religion played an essential role. Religion informed every aspect of the colonists' lives, from birth to death and presumably beyond. Religion also provided the main reason for many of the colonists' presence in the New World, as many had arrived just so that they could practice their religious faith freely.

What was the intendants role in new France?

The duties of an intendant were 1.acted as chief admister of new France in the kings name2.informed the king of colonial activities and ensured harmony among people3.supervised the day to day running the colonies,Law and order, and managing money.