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-27.5° Celsius

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Q: Coldest weather ever recorded in Hungary?
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What place has the coldest weather in the world?

Antarctica holds the record for the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth, which was -128.6°F (-89.2°C) at the Vostok Station in July 1983. This makes it the coldest place in the world.

What is Portugal's coldest temperature ever?

coldest recorded temp. in portugal

What was the coldest temperature ever recorded in Boca Raton?

The coldest temperature ever recorded in Boca Raton was 26°F (-3.3°C) on January 11, 2010.

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What is the coldest temperature ever recorded on mount Everest?

The coldest temperature ever recorded on Mount Everest was around -40 degrees Celsius (-40 degrees Fahrenheit).

What is the coldest Antarctica has ever been?

The warmest temperature ever was 59 degrees Fahrenheit. This was recorded along the peninsula, at a lower latitude than the rest of the continent. The weather here is quite different from the brutal cold of the interior.

What is the coldest temperaturer ever recorded in Sidney MT?

The coldest temperature ever recorded in Sidney, MT is -50°F (-45.6°C) on February 15, 1936.

What is the highest temperature ever recorded and the coldest?

it would depend where but on land it is 127 and coldest is -98

What is the coldest temperature ever recorded in Germany?

The coldest temperature ever recorded in Germany was -45.9°C (-50.6°F) in the Bavarian Alps on February 9, 1929.

When was the coldest temperature in Montana ever recorded?

-70 at Roger's Pass

What is the coldest temp ever recorded at Vostok Antarctica?

The coldest temperature ever recorded at Vostok Station in Antarctica was -128.6°F (-89.2°C) on July 21, 1983.

What is the coldest weather have ever happend in jeddah?

13 degrees