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Q: Code to ring Spain on a mobile from England?
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What is the dialling code when ringing a mobile in Spain?

To ring a Spanish mobile phone (anywhere in the world that it may be physically located), you dial your international access prefix (most commonly 00, or use the plus sign on a GSM mobile), followed by country code 34 for Spain, and then the 9-digit Spanish number. To ring a mobile from some other country that happens to be physically in Spain, dial the number exactly the same way you would if it were in its home country.

How do you ring a mobile in england?

If you are in the UK, dial the mobile number. If you are outside the UK, dial the international access prefix, then the country code for the UK (+44), and then the mobile number without the leading 0.

What is the code needed to ring a UK mobile from South Carolina USA?

hi there i live in usa and want ring a mobile phone in UK could you tell me code please from a mobile in usa

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What dialling code is used to call a spanish mobile in England?

If you're calling a UK mobile that is physically in Spain, just dial the UK mobile number. It does not matter where the mobile is physically located. If you're calling a Spanish mobile, dial 00 (the prefix for outbound international calls from the UK), then 34 (the country code for Spain), and then the 9-digit Spanish mobile number. If you're calling from a GSM mobile phone, you can dial +34 (including the plus symbol) instead of 00 34.

What is the code to ring America on mobile from Australia to American mobile number?

For American numbers, prefix with country code +1

What is the dialing code to ring an American mobile number?

The USA uses country code +1

How you can ring England?

The international dialing code is +44

Which Dial code to ring a South Carolina mobile in England?

If you are ringing from the USA or Canada, dial the same number as normal. The network will locate the phone - you are not expected to guess where in the world the mobile phone is currently! From the rest of the world, prefix the number with the USA country code +1

How do you ring an 086 mobile in lanzaroti from Australia?

Lanzarote is in Spain, which does not have telephone numbers beginning with 0.

What is the national code to ring America from England?

00 1

Whats the code to ring Greece from England?

00 30