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Its relative isolation throughout history dont miss it on your plato test like i did...

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13y ago

its relotive isolation through out its long history

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Q: China's diverse topography and and location has resulted in what development?
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What are geographical conditions?

Geographical conditions refer to the physical characteristics of a location, such as climate, topography, soil type, and natural resources. These conditions can influence various aspects of human life, including agriculture, urban development, and wildlife habitats. Understanding geographical conditions is important for planning and decision-making in diverse fields, from environmental conservation to infrastructure development.

The topography and climate of western Europe encouraged?

The topography and climate of Western Europe encouraged agriculture, as the region has fertile soils and temperate weather conditions ideal for growing crops. The presence of rivers and access to the sea also facilitated trade and communication with other regions. Additionally, the varied landscapes and mild climate in Western Europe supported the development of diverse ecosystems, habitats, and species.

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it mean you are adopting a diverse science cultuer

What is the climate of the country like?

The climate of a country is influenced by various factors such as its location, topography, and proximity to bodies of water. Countries can have diverse climates ranging from tropical to arid, temperate to polar. It's important to consider specific regions within a country as they can have different climate patterns.

How does the theme of location help us understand life on Earth?

It tells us where to find a region.

What is the impact of globalization on environment?

The impact of globalization on environment is quite diverse. This has resulted into more production which means more fossil fuels are being burned which pollutes the environment and development of urban trade centers causes logging and deforestation which hurts the environment significantly.

Why is soil not the same?

Soil is not the same because it is composed of a mixture of minerals, organic matter, water, air, and living organisms that vary in composition and proportions from one location to another. Factors like climate, topography, parent material, organisms, and time all contribute to the formation of diverse soil types.

Is the usa flat or hilly?

The USA is geographically diverse, with many areas that are both flat and hilly. For example, the Midwest region tends to be flatter with expansive plains, while the Western regions have mountainous and hilly terrain. The country's topography varies widely across different states and regions.

The varied climate and topography of Latin America have directly led to?

a diverse range of ecosystems and biodiversity in the region. This has contributed to the high levels of species richness and endemism found in Latin America, making it one of the most biologically diverse regions in the world.

How did urbanization change cities?

Urbanization changed cities by leading to increased population density, the growth of infrastructure and services, and the development of diverse economic opportunities. It also resulted in the creation of distinct neighborhoods, increased cultural interactions, and challenges related to traffic congestion and environmental sustainability.

Is agricultural production affected by the topography and climate of the country?

Yes, topography and climate play a significant role in agricultural production. Different crops require specific conditions to thrive, such as certain temperatures, levels of rainfall, and soil types. Topography can affect factors like water drainage and sunlight exposure, impacting crop yields. Countries with varied topography and climates often have diverse agricultural practices to accommodate these differences.

Do Americans from diverse backgrounds shaped the economic development of the US?

The answer is Yes. Lecho648