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I think so!

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Q: Can you touch whales in Iceland?
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How do iceland kill whales?

by putting a spear in it or something

Do they eat minke whales in iceland?

Minke Whale meat is consumed in Iceland. Iceland hunts their own Minke Whales each year. Usually they sell it to Japan but some Icelandic do eat Whale meat.

What island in Europe lies farthest from the rest of Europe?

The farthest island nation is Iceland, it doesn't touch Europe.

What are the ratings and certificates for Touch Me Not - 1974?

Touch Me Not - 1974 is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:16 USA:PG

How do whales poop out of a tube?

they touch themselves -aleks stankovic

What are the ratings and certificates for Hot Touch - 1984 V?

Hot Touch - 1984 V is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:16

What are the ratings and certificates for A Touch of Scandal - 1984 TV?

A Touch of Scandal - 1984 TV is rated/received certificates of: Iceland:12

Who is the natural hunters of whales?

Mainly North Korea, Norway & Iceland. North Korea killing the most every year.

Which two senses have whales well devolped?

Whales have many keen senses that allow for their survival. Two senses that whales have developed through history include their sense of touch and their sense of sound.

What are the ratings and certificates for Touch and Go - 1980?

Touch and Go - 1980 is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp Australia:PG Iceland:12 Norway:12

What contries still hunt whales?

Japan, Norway, and Iceland still conduct whaling. Japan uses a loop hole in the moratorium on whaling. They claim they are conducting research, but that is widely disputed. There are also some Alaskan Natives who engage in whaling.

What countries still hunt whales?

According to an internet search, the countries that still hunt whales includeJapanNorwayIceland