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Q: Can you send candy from the us to south Korea?
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What country did the US send money to during the cold war?

South Korea and South Vietnam received financial assistance.

Is south Korea allies with the US or enemy of the US?

South Korea

Who is the Ambassador to the US for South Korea?

Ahn Ho-Young is the Ambassador to the US for South Korea.

Who did the US support in Korea?

South Korea

What principle did President Truman invoke in sending US troops into South Korea without first asking Congress to declare war?

the security council authorized member nation to send troops into south korea

Is South Korea hostile to US?

No. South Korea is probably the strongest US ally in all of East and Southeast Asia. US Americans should feel very welcome in South Korea.

What side of Korea is Allies with the US?

South Korea

What flag did the us fight under in Korea?

The US fought for South Korea. they were just to help South Korea because North Korea is invading them.

What action did the U.S. take when North Korea invaded South Korea?

Russia walked out of the UN so the US was able to get UN to agree to send troops to defend South Korea. The active fighting stopped after 2 years, but no peace treaty was ever signed.

What made South Korea vulnerable to North Korea?

In Korean war, Truman did not give gun power for South Korea because he thought Korea as not trustful enough to lend their power. But Stalin(Maybe he was the leader back then...) lent their heavy artilleries to North Korea. Later, there was a call to US and whole UN groups except North Korea came to make the decision and the result was to send troops to help South Korea

Who's side did the US fight for in Korea?

South Korea

Why did the US send help to south Vietnam?

Just like in Korea, the South was capitalistic while the North was communistic. The foreign policy of US at the time was to keep communism contained and to support any regime that was for capitalism.