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Depends where you are, but you can if you are by the river.

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Q: Can you see Windsor Canada from Detroit?
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What city is further north of Windsor or Detroit?

Detroit is further North of Windsor (although Windsor is in Canada). The Detroit river separates Detroit downtown from Windsor

What separates Detroit from Windsor?

Detroit is a city in Michigan, USA, while Windsor is a city in Ontario, Canada, separated by the Detroit River. The cities are part of two different countries (USA and Canada) and have separate governments, laws, and currencies. The Ambassador Bridge and the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel are the two main border crossings between the two cities.

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What is the name of the tunnel used to travel SOUTH from the United States to Canada?

You can't travel south from the United States to Canada. Canada is north of the United States.==========================================================================Most people are surprised to learn that Detroit is actually north of Windsor, and that to travel from Detroit, Michigan, USA to Windsor, Ontario, Canada actually involves travelling south.The name of the tunnel, in which you travel south from Detroit to Windsor, is simply "The Detroit - Windsor Tunnel."According to the Michigan Department of Transportation website, "The Detroit - Windsor Tunnel is the only vehicular international sub aqueous border crossing in the world." The Department adds, "The Detroit - Windsor Tunnel is privately owned."

What Canadian city is closest to Virginia?

The Canadian city closest to Virginia is Toronto, in Ontario, Canada. In addition, Niagara Falls is located in Toronto, Canada.

What is the closest country south of Detroit?

The closest country south of Detroit is Canada. Specifically, the Canadian city of Windsor, Ontario is directly across the Detroit River from Detroit.

The largest city of this state is near windsor Canada?

Detroit, Michigan

How far is windsor canada from Detroit michigan?

About 600 feet. Windsor, Ontario, Canada is across the river from Detroit Michigan, USA. From downtown mark to downtown mark in most maps, about 3 miles.

Which city is the farthest south of Canada?

Windsor, Ontario The most southern city in Canada is Windsor, Ontario located on the Detroit River.

What is the travel distance from Detroit to Canada by car?

One car's length will get you from Detroit to Windsor---the cities are side by side! Where in Canada do you want to go? You have to be more specific.

What major Canadian city is south of Detroit?

Windsor, the southernmost city in Canada, is south of Detroit.Many people do not realize that the map of Canada extends far southward in the Great Lakes region.

How long does it take to drive from Detroit Michigan to Canada?

It only takes a few minutes to drive across the Ambassador Bridge to Canada or through the Detroit and Windsor Tunnel.