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This is a summary of laws dealing with the age to be considered an adult in your state. It is not intended to be all inclusive, but does contain basic and other information. You may check for updates using the state code or bills. If you are a minor and need to your minority removed, search for the word minority under your state. Forms with US- at the beginning of the control number are sample forms for all states.


"Minor", "infant", "infancy", "age of majority", defined. Except as otherwise provided by statute, on and after October 1, 1972, the terms "minor", "infant" and "infancy" shall be deemed to refer to a person under the age of eighteen years and any person eighteen years of age or over shall be an adult for all purposes whatsoever and have the same legal capacity, rights, powers, privileges, duties, liabilities and responsibilities as persons heretofore had at twenty-one years of age, and "age of majority" shall be deemed to be eighteen years.

Title 1, Chap. 1, Sec. 1-1d

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This is not legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Consult the specific laws for the state and county in which you reside for the rules that apply. In most states, any 18 year old is considered an adult and is capable of deciding when and where they reside. They have the ability to contract for housing. SOME states allow minors to become emancipated under specific circumstances, but this is not just a matter of filling out some paperwork. A minor is the responsibility of their parents until such time as they reach the age of majority or are legally emancipated. The parents are required to provide for the support of their minor children. If the parents give permission, the minor can live in another location. Such permission does not relieve the parents of the responsibility to provide support. If the parents do not give permission, the minor can be considered a runaway. Charges may apply to individuals that aid and abet such runaways, particularly if they are under the age of consent. In some states it is my understanding that this is not enforced for 17 year olds that leave home. If you are subject to abuse, you should contact social services for your area. They will assist you in getting out of the bad environment and into a safe place.

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Q: Can you move out at 17 in Connecticut?
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Is the legal age 17 to move out in Connecticut?

if you have a job a form of transpirtation to ur job and a place to stay you can move out at 16

Can you move out at 17 without emancipation in Connecticut?

No, in Connecticut, individuals under the age of 18 are considered minors and cannot move out without parental permission or court-ordered emancipation. If you are 17 and seeking to live independently, it is advisable to explore legal options like emancipation to gain the ability to make decisions regarding housing and other matters.

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for land and religious reasons

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17 i believe

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New haven, Connecticut

Why did people move to Connecticut colonial times?

People went to Connecticut in order to find rich and fertile farmland.

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becaus there was too much pee in the streets in the other colines connecticut has lots of horses and booze

Who was the Governor of Connecticut in 1776?

Jonathan Trumbull (born October 12, 1710 in Lebanon, Connecticut; died August 17, 1785 in Lebanon, Connecticut), the first Governor of Connecticut, served between July 4, 1776 and May 13, 1784.

Can you be 17 years old and move out in Nebraska?

No you may not move out at 17. In Nebraska you must be 19 to move out without permission.

How does a 17 year old move out in Georgia?

you just leave! you are able to move out at age 17