Of course! You can keep a horse and a goat in the same field. It is common to use a goat as a companion animal for horses as long as the goat does not have horns.
To keep it warm
Technically, they can, but they would be terribly lonely. If you are planning to adopt one, buy at least two.
The capital one goat is an Alpine goat and the Aflac goat is a Nubian.
I keep you as a pet!
To get a goat on farmville, you get get one from your friend sending it to you or get a goat by completing one of the rewards and get a goat with a special prize you get in your mailbox.
There are several places where one can get goat milk in Bangalore. One place is from Nadur Goat Farm.
Call your local animal control people they will know the local laws concerning a goat.
Yes, a person can actually keep a goat in the town of Brookhaven, NY. People can also keep chickens, guinea hens, dogs, cats, ducks, and even geese in the town.
To keep it warm