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No, you have to be at least 16 with parental consent..... but you can go to other states such as Texas and they will allow you to get a tattoo at 14 with parental consent.

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Q: Can you get a tattoo at the age 14 in Oklahoma with parental supervision?
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Related questions

The youngest place to get a tattoo without parental consent?

18 so you aren't getting a tattoo any time soon.

What age is the legal age for getting a tattoo with parental consent in Oklahoma?

Unlike piercings, tattoos are only available to adult (legally). There is no age for parental consent in regards to tattoos in the state of oklahoma. Until you're 18 you can't legally get one.

Can a lad get a tattoo at the age of 14 with parental supervision?

You can get a tatoo/piercing at any age with parent consent. Being 18 just means that you dont need a parent.

Age to get a tattoo in France?

there is not a legal age to get a tattoo but need parental consent if you are a minor

Can you get a tattoo at age seventeen in Louisiana?

You can only get a tattoo under the age of 18 if you have proof of parental consent.

What is the legal tattoo age in Washington state with parental consent?

As far as my research has shown me, it is not legal to tattoo a minor with or without parental consent. As far as my research has shown me, it is not legal to tattoo a minor with or without parental consent.

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Legal age to get a tattoo in Kentucky?

You must be at least 18 years old to get a tattoo in Kentucky without parental consent.

What age can you move out in the state of Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, the legal age to move out without parental consent is 18 years old.

What is the minimum age to get at tattoo in Idaho with parental consent?


What is legal age in Georgia to get a tattoo?

In Georgia, the legal age to get a tattoo is 18 years old. Minors are not allowed to get tattoos even with parental consent.

What age typically do most tattoo artists allow Teens to get a tattoo with parental permission or viewing?

If you have parental permission you can get ot at 16. But alone, you can to be 18