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Dental care abroad If you go abroad for dental care: -- Check with the appropriate government agency in the destination country about its national dentistry guidelines. -- Find out what recourse is available if something goes wrong. -- At the dental office, look for infection-control procedures, including instrument sterilization and use of protective gloves, mask and eyewear. -- A traveler's guide to dental care is available through the Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures at Source: American Dental Association. Why is dental cheaper in Mexico? - lower operating costs, dentists are not required have malpractice insurance, dentists are less advanced and use less expensive technology and infection control procedures. Dental treatment performed abroad although less expensive, also carries an increased number of associated complications and risks. Medical and dental care for U.S. citizens Because of to its close (one hour) location to Tucson, AZ, Nogales has become one of the largest providers of and Health care in Mexico for US patients. The medical and dental community has successfully striven to provide care that is comparable to the USA in professionalism, equipment, and competency at a price that is 40 to 60% below the USA prices. The Nogales Doctors and Dentists Directory lists over 200 providers, many proudly show their credentials, experience, and photos of their offices, equipment, and staff. The free directory is handy in that it shows contact information that allows patients to communicate with the doctors about their specific care and pricing before committing to an appointment

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Q: Can you get a really good dentist in Nogales Sonora Mexico?
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