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Yes. But depending on the reason your on probation, it might be in violation to your probation. So if you get a license and go hunting then the PO officer finds out... Could be bad news. Just call and ask your PO in advance.

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Q: Can you get a hunting license while on Probation in Pennsylvania?
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If you are on probation and get a license after been on probation can you get a violation of probation?

once your licence has expired you will no longer come under probation. if you broke your licence while on licence you may be issued with a new licence after you have been sentenced .

In Colorado can you start up a business while on probation if you already own a business and on restitution can your probation supervisor over look your business?

It is frequently possible to start a new business and obtain a business license while on probation. However, this possibility and a probation officer's oversight depends on the conditions of the probation.

What happens if you get caught driving with a suspended license but you're not on probation?

You will be charged with driving while your license is suspended. Whether or not you're on probation doesn't effect this particular offense. If you were on probation, driving with a suspended license is probably a violation of your probation, and a whole different issue.

Can someone travel from Pennsylvania to Las Vegas while on federal probation?

It depends on the respective authorities and the terms of the federal probation. While former prisoners are free to travel from Pennsylvania to Las Vegas, many of them are under supervision and surveillance for several months and even years. With the above said, it can be noted that the terms of Federal probation are based on the type of crime the former inmate was charged with. Many people on probation are required to have periodic drug tests, in such situations, distant travel would be restricted and in the example of Nevada and Pennsylvania, that distance of travel may not be available.

Can you lose your license if you received a ticket while being on probation for DUI?

That will depend on the evaluation by the judge. If you were driving while impaired and on probation for another DUI, most likely the answer will be "yes". If you were doing a couple MPH over the limit on a freeway, probably not, but no guarantees.

What would the punishment be for a 5th DUI while in violation of probation?

Termination of probation - permanent loss of driving license (if it hasn't happened already) - time added to sentence upon conviction of the new DUI.

Can you own a gun while on unsupervised probation in the state of Missouri?

Can you get gun in Missouri while on probation

Can you hunt in NH if you are on probation in PA for a misdeamor?

no you cant leave the state while on probation unless you get permission from your probation officer or you will go to jail and most probation officers will tell you that you can't have any weapons while on probation

Do you need your hunting license if you have no gun while other people are hunting?

Depends on the laws where you are, and what you are doing. If you are assisting the hunter, such as by driving game towards them, MY state requires you to be licensed. Others may not.

How old do you have to be to hunt in Indiana?

In Indiana, you must be at least 18 years old to purchase a hunting license. However, minors as young as 12 years old can hunt if they obtain a youth hunting license and are supervised by a licensed adult while hunting.

Can a youth carry a firearm as well as the adult without a license while hunting?

It is against the law to hunt without a license, but you can carry a gun without one and target practice without one.

Can you own a gun while on misdemeanor probation for control substance?

Check w/ your probation officer. It will depend on the terms of your probation.