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The information I have is both dated and unofficial - but since no one else has answered this question, I will share what I know.

In the summer of 2001, I was studying in Israel for the summer. My friend and I spent a few days at the beautiful five star resort, the Taba Hilton in Taba, Egypt - just 1km or so from the border with Eilat, Israel.

Using my U.S. passport, I had no trouble entering Egypt. I also met Israeli citizens in the Taba hotel, as well as British citizens and (obviously) Egyptians.

I asked a few of the hotel staff if they ever get a chance to visit Eilat (again, it's only about 1km away!)

They said that the Israeli border patrol was suspicious of Egyptian citizens who wanted to cross the land border, and that it was too much of a hassle for them just to see the neighboring city of Eilat, Israel.

So I think the answer is technically yes - Egyptians CAN get a visa to Israel - but some advance planning and a detailed explanation as to the reason of the visit will be needed.

Citizens of the following countries will be issued tourist visas free of charge at every port or entrance terminal to Israel (including when entering from Egypt to Israel):

Europe -- Austria, Italy, Iceland, Ireland, Belgium, Britain, Gibraltar, Germany (people born after 1.1.1928), Denmark, Holland, Hungary, Greece, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein, Monaco, Malta, Norway, Slovenia, San Marino, Spain, Portugal, Finland, France, Cyprus, Sweden, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia.

Asia and Oceania -- Australia, the Fiji Islands, South Korea, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, New Zealand, Micronesia, Singapore, Mongolia, Vanuatu.

Africa -- Lesotho, Mauritius, Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland, the Central African Republic.

America -- Uruguay, the Bahamas, El Salvador, Ecuador, Argentina, the United States, Bolivia, Barbados, Brazil, Guatemala, Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, Mexico, Surinam, Nevis and Saint Kitts, Panama, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Canada, St. Lucia.

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Q: Can you fly from Egypt to Israel?
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