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Q: Can you carry a spring loaded knife in North Carolina as a convicted felon?
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When is spring break in North Carolina?

Late spring in North Carolina would normally be mid-May to mid-June.

What word best describes the weather during spring in North Carolina?

Which would best describe the weather during spring in north carolina

What is the law about carrying a gun in your car in North Carolina?

you have to have it where it can be seen, and it can not be loaded.

Can a convicted felon in North Carolina carry pepperspray?

No. N.C. GS 14-401.6

Can you adopt a child in North Carolina if over 20 years ago you were convicted of a felony for drugs?

Yes you can adopt a child in North Carolina if over 20 years ago you where convicted of a felony for drugs depending on if other than that your record is clean.

In North Carolina if someone is convicted of assault of a female and assault of a child under 12 would he receive separate sentences for each?

Yes, if convicted of both.

Can a convicted felon buy a shotgun in North Carolina?

You need to consult with a lawyer familiar with firearms law.

How many convicted murderers in jail?

how many prisoners are serving life sentences in the state of North Carolina how many prisoners are serving life sentences in the state of North Carolina

Where do blue whales migrate to?

Blue Whales migrate to Colorado or North Carolina but mostly north carolina

What is the best season to grow crops in north Carolina?

spring or summer, never winter>_<

Where can I buy the cheapest immersion blender from in Spring Lake, North Carolina?

You can find cheap immersion blenders at second hand shops in Spring Lake, North Carolina. Try Goodwill or the Salvation Army. For new blenders, you can always visit Target.

How many tornadoes occur in North Carolina?

On average, North Carolina experiences around 30 tornadoes per year. The tornado season typically peaks in the spring and early summer months.