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Q: Can you buy or own a gun in the state of Nevada if you have been convicted of domestic violence?
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Can you own black powder firearms in Indiana if your convicted of domestic violence in another state?

check with you state Attorney General

Can you buy a firearm if convicted of domestic violence in the state in which you live?

You will need a lawyer for a legal, current and correct answer.

How long are the ca gun restrictions for misdememeanor domestic violence?

Regarding Domestic Violence convictions - Federal Law supersedes any state law and persons convicted of Domestic Violence offenses are prohibited from ever wonding or possessing firearms.

Can a minor convicted of domestic violence purchase a firearm after they become an adult?

It can depend upon what state (or country) you reside in. You will have to research your own state's firearm laws.

How do you know if you have lost your gun rights?

If you have been convicted of a felony, a crime of domestic violence, or are an unlawful user of controlled drugs, you have. Check with the State Police in your home state.

How come when a person charged with domestic violence assault tried to buy a gun gets a felony charge for doing it?

Federal law (and most state laws) prohibit persons convicted of crimes of Domestic Violence from ever owning firearms.

Can you legally purchase a gun if you have a domestic violence charge that was dropped to a misdemeanor in the state of California?

Depends on the misdemeanor. If it involves domestic violence, then you cannot possess a firearm anywhere in the US.

Can a person convicted of domestic violence posses carry a taser in any state?

No, Taser International conducts background checks and does not allow to have it's products sold to felons in any state.

Can an active duty military member convicted of a state felony in Texas still fire weapons for military service?

If that member wasn't discharged for being convicted of said felony, then by all means I would assume so. The only reason I can think of where a soldier convicted of any crime would be prohibited from handling a weapon is for Domestic Violence. If the soldier committed an act of Domestic Violence and was convicted of a lesser charge (like Battery), that doesn't count.

Can a person in South Dakota buy a gun if convicted of domestic violence?

Not in SD, nor in any state. Federal law. 18 US code, section 922. Sorry. You really need to talk with an attorney on this one.Added: Also - the Lautenberg Amendment to the Gun Control Act of 1968, effective 30 September 1996, makes it a felony for those convicted of crimes of domestic violence to ship, transport, possess, or receive firearms or ammunition.

How long are the CO gun restrictions for misdemeanor domestic violence?

Your problem is not Colorado law, it is Federal law, which takes precedence over state law. If you have been convicted of a crime of domestic violence, Federal law prohibits you from possessing a gun. I'm sorry, but there IS no time limit- it is permanent.

Can you become a teacher if you have a domestic violence charge?

The regulations vary substantially from state to state. But domestic violence is one major crime that can keep you from teaching.