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YES, if there is no breach of peace

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Q: Can someone come onto a private driveway and repossess a car in the state of Ohio?
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Is your driveway private property?

If the driveway is on private property then in most states it is considered private property. Though laws differ still per state on this.

How does a private party registered owner in CA repossess a motorcycle from someone who is living in another state?

re-run. see above post

Can the state of North Carolina charge for personal property when they repossess your car?

The state doesn't repossess your car - private companies do that on behalf of the lienholder. They don't charge you for private property left in your car when they repossess it - that would be illegal. They charge a "storage fee" for the items they remove from your car. Underhanded, yes, but they can legally do it.

Can you legally open a security gate on private property to repossess a car?

It is against state law to open a locked gate.

When you are entering a highway or street from a private driveway and the way is clear can you move forward without stopping first in the state of Florida?


How do repossession agents work?

First, repossesstion agents must be licensed and have a search warrant for whatever they want to repossess, but they are not police officers. If someone does not pay bills/taxes on any private property, they simply follow these steps: 1. let the owners know who they are and what they're doing and why 2. repossess what they were there to get 3. file a notice to the local/state police

Is a repossession vehicle allowed to repossess a vehicle inside a private community in the state of Florida?

If the repossessor is allowed in, yes. They cannot force their way into the community.

Is it legal in the state of California for a police officer to hide in the driveway of a private residence in order to catch people for speeding?

If a police officer records someone speeding, it doesn't matter what the nature of the property they take the reading from is. If they record you speeding while they're in a driveway, they can act on it. As for using a private residence, it's something which requires the consent of the property owner - they can't just occupy someone's driveway to set up a speed trap while ignoring the rights of the property owner, and it's often a discouraged practice, although California tends to have their own way of doing things.

Does the lien holder have the right to repossess your car if you left on a handshake and you had no contract and it was a private lender?

Yes. If the lien is valid, a written contract is not necessary and the holder can legally repossess the vehicle in conjunction with the existing laws of the state in which the vehicle is located or in some cases where it was sold.

What is law on using private driveway to turn around?

Using a private driveway to turn around without permission could potentially be considered trespassing. It is always best to seek permission from the property owner before using their driveway for any purpose.

Who can repossess your car?

An Authorized Recovery agent working on behalf of the lien holder can repossess the vehicle from the lessee. It is Illegal in the state of Indiana for someone who works for/ at the car lot or for the lien holder to repossess a vehicle under the car lot/ lien holder's company name. The duty of repossessing a car must be hired out to a recovery agency.

Is it illegal to clock someone speeding while on their motorcycle on someones driveway?

In most states a property owner can make his property subject to vehicle code enforcement. Then the violation is the same as if it had occurred on the street. If you did not have permission to use the driveway you could also be charged with trespassing. Vehicle codes vary quite a bit from state to state. Several of my friends and acquaintances died on motorcycles doing stunts and speeding on private driveways and lots. The cop may be doing you a big favor.