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Q: Can citizens live wherever they like in Russia?
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Can citizens of germany live wherever they like?

More or less. You are not allowed to build a house wherever you want. But of course you can choose where you want to live.

Were do people live in Russia?

People live all throughout Russia. However, the majority of Russians live in Western Russia or all along the southern border of Russia.

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Imams are the persons who lead the Muslims in offering prayers. They are also found in Russia wherever the Muslims live.

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The Australian Dingo does not live in Russia.

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Make there home like the jungle or wherever they live

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Doh! Well, obviously, they are FROM Alaska. And they live wherever their owners live, wherever in the world that might be. What a dumb question.

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Why do you want to see it there just go like wherever you live

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Russians live in house like ours today but back in ancient Russia they did not always live like this

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Wherever their owners live.

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Wherever they please.

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Wherever you can live with yourself!

What part of Russia do you live in?

I don't live in Russia.