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Q: Can a windsock fly above the American flag?
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How do you fly the American flag should I fly an American flag below a light or above a light?

The American flag should be flown above a light as a sign of respect

Can the vatican flag fly above the American flag?

In the United States, no. It is improper to fly another flag above the US flag in the United States. Other countries have similar customs and rules.

How do you fly military and us flags?

When flying both the American and a Military Branch flag together you will always have the American Flag above the Military Flag.

What is the appropriate height to fly the American Flag on a flagpole?

There is not a set height that the American Flag needs to be flown at, but it does need to be flown at the top of the flagpole. If other flags, such as State or POW/MIA, are flown around the American flag then the American flag needs to be flown above the other flags.

What flag can fly above the US flag?

No flag can be flown the American flag when on American soil.

Is it illegal to fly the Confederate flag above the American flag?

It is not illegal, but it is against tradition and protocol and would not be proper. The United States flag flies on top, then beneath that the state flag, and then beneath that, the Confederate flag may be flown.

Can the christian flag fly above the us flag?

It could, but it would be disrespectful.

Can you fly the british flag below the American flag?

only in America

What are the rules for flying a historical American flag with a 50-star American flag?

You'll want to fly the most recent version of the American flag on top. You can then fly the historical version below and normally etiquette will say to fly a smaller size for that historical one. The 50 Star American flag should always be the most prominent.

Are there any exceptions to another flag to fly above the us flag?

Any flag could, but it would be disrespectful.

Why does the flag of the home nation fly above any other flag?

Pride and glory for the host.

When an important American dies they fly the flag and this is called?

Flying the flag at half mast.