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Yes, he can sit in an area that is out in the open, but not where you would expect him. The CHP have cars that from a distance you can not tell it is a police officer until they come right near you. The all white SUV's are particularly hard to tell from a distance and the radar they have on the cars can go both front and back at a long distance. Once you see one it is too late if his radar gets you.

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Q: Can a police officer hide while using a radar in California?
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When a police officer uses radar speed for control the officer is using what kind of electromagnetic waves?

Radar uses radio waves.

When a police officer uses radar for speed control the officer is using what kind of electromagnetic waves?

radio waves

When the police officer uses radar for speed control the officer is using what kind of electromagnetic waves?

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When police office officer use radar for speed control the officer is using what kind of electromagnetic wave?

radio waves

Can a police officer hide while using a radar in Louisiana?

As far as I know it isn't illegal anywhere for a police officer to hide, its not considered entrapment unless you're being tricked into doing something you wouldn't normally do. So yes, they can hide while using radar.

What is a police radar detector?

A police radar detector is a device used by drivers to detect when law enforcement officers are using radar guns to measure vehicle speed. When a radar gun is detected, the device alerts the driver so they can adjust their speed accordingly to avoid getting a speeding ticket. However, it is important to note that using radar detectors is illegal in some jurisdictions.

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Scrambler detectors are available.

Can police officers hide while using radar in Tennessee?

Uhh Yes .

Can police hide when using radar?

The answer is yes! However, they cannot be illegally parked when using radar. You can take a photo of were the officer was parked and contest the ticket. There are several draw backs you may face with this challenge. 1.The Judge can admonish the officer but he can also ask you if you were in fact violating the speed law? To say no will get you a fine, their not stupid. 2.To say yes! The judge can and most likely will tell you that you have admitted in a court of law that you did in fact break the law and you will have to pay for the ticket anyway! There is less than a 10% chance that a judge will throw out the violation. The officer would have to have been very flagrant of vehicle traffic and personal safety if illegally parked and that's rare on the part of most traffic officers.

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