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No... any bar has the standard legal age, learn the law applies to everyone including hicks lol.

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Q: Can a parent take a minor into a bar in Arkansas?
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In Tyngsboro Ma can a minor sit at a restaurant's bar with their parent?

No, a minor may be allowed to sit at a nearby table, but not at the bar itself. A person must be 21 to sit at the bar rail.

Are minor children allowed in FLORIDA BARS?

If a bar serves food as well as alcohol, a minor may be in the bar with a parent or guardian. If it is just a bar that does not serve anything other than alcohol, they cannot be in there at all.

Can a minor enter a bar in Texas if accompanied by parent?

I played in a darts league in Texas, and several teams had at least one minor from time to time. Several of the bars in the league did not allow minors to play without a parent present, and some bars did not allow minors at all, but I was given the distinct impression that it was the decision of each bar whether or not to allow minors.

Was Bill Clinton governor of Arkansas when Hillary Clinton passed the Arkansas bar exam?

Bill Clinton was not the governor of Arkansas when Hillary Clinton passed the Arkansas bar exam. Both Bill Clinton and Hillary were teachers at a University in Arkansas before he became the Governor of Arkansas.

Can a minor legally sit at a restaurant bar in Texas accompanied by a parent?

A person can drink alcohol if under 21 as long as the parent/spouse is physically present and allows it. Texas Alcohol and Beverage Code Sec. 106.04. CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL BY A MINOR. (a) A minor commits an offense if he consumes an alcoholic beverage. (b) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the alcoholic beverage was consumed in the visible presence of the minor's adult parent, guardian, or spouse.

If minor is served alcohol in a bar and is cited for DUI can bar be sued?

Depends on the situation. If the minor is knowingly let into the bar and served alcohol and the bar doesn't have the proper licenses, then YES the bar can be sued. If the minor is let into the bar and the bar does have proper licenses, then the bar will be fined and most likely their license will be suspended or taken away. If the minor got into the bar using a fake ID that was not theirs, the ID will be taken away and the minor could face more penalties.

Can an 18 year old drink in a bar with a parent in Louisiana?

If the drinking age is 21 then NO. It does not matter if they are your parents, if they are to buy you a alcoholic drink then they can go to jail for distributing to a minor.

Did Bill Clinton fail the bar exam?


Can a child legally sit at a bar in Florida if not drinking alcohol?

No, in Florida, it is illegal for a child to sit at a bar regardless of whether they are drinking alcohol or not. Minors are not allowed in areas of a bar where alcohol is served, unless accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, or spouse who is at least 21 years old.

Can a child with a parent sit at the bar?

no it can not

How late can a minor be in the bar with parental supervision?


Is it legal to put a light bar in the lower grill of a car and use as a DRL in Arkansas?

Check with Arkansas' Department of Motor Vehicles.