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Q: Can a felon get a towing license in the state of Texas?
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Can an ex-felon obtain a car dealers license in the state of Texas?

In Texas, an ex-felon can obtain a car dealers license. However, the state requires the felony to have occurred at least 3 years prior from sentence, probation, or parole.

Can a felon acquire state real estate license?

yes a felon can acquire state real estate license

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You cannot get an Ohio state veterinary license if you are a convicted felon. Most states do not allow this.

Can a felon get a fishing license in Florida?

If you have a record, the state will reject your license.

Can a convicted felon obtain a dealer license in Texas?

Generally speaking, no. A felon cannot own or even possess a handgun, and no state will knowningly issue a handgun permit to a felon. The exception to that is, if the felon has had his or her rights restored, they can own a gun and get a gun permit.

Can a felon apply for real estate license?

If a felon cannot have a real estate license, but a former one can have. As long as they pass all the requirement and mandatory components that they need, they can get their real estate license. It also depends for the state's real estate commission if they will be accepting such cases, for example is on Texas Real Estate License

Does the state of Oregon allow a felon to buy a hunting license?

Does the state of Oregon allow a felon to buy a hunting licese?

How do you renew a license in another state?

i have a California license and i need to get a license (online) from Texas.

Can a convicted felon sell insurance in the state of Texas?

No, sorry

Can a felon obtain an insurance license?

In my state it is not possible for a felon to be a licensed insurance producer, but it could depend on the laws of your state. In my state, if you are convicted of a felony after you already have a license, the license is automatically revoked.

Can a felon convicted for conterfeiting get a CNA license in the state of tx?

It is highly unlikely.

What types of drivers license are there in the state of Texas?
