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no you can't obtain one in va

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Q: Can a convicted felony get a contractors license in Virginia?
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Did anyone get denied an Arizona contractors license based on felony conviction?

Noone has been denied a contractors license based purely on a felony conviction. A felony conviction does not automatically disqualify applicants. Yes you can be denied after applying. It all depends on how long ago you were convicted and also if the prior felony had anything to do with contracting work.

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Can a felon get a tattoo license?

No, you cannot get a tattoo license when you are convicted with felony. This is because felony is considered as a crime of high seriousness.

If you are bonded because you sell insurance and you are convicted of perjury and receive a felony will you lose your bonded license?

A felony makes most bonding agents quite uncomfortable. It will be difficult to get or keep a bond after being convicted of a felony.

Does a felony disqualify you from getting an insurance license?

It generally depends on how long ago you were convicted of the felony and what the felony was for. Any felony involving theft of money and/or fraud will most definitely disqualify you.

Can a felon get a contractors licence in VA?

It depends. Most of the time, convicted felons are not able to become licensed. Depending on the circumstances of the felony, the person seeking licensure can send a letter to the licensing board.

Can Virginia resident's convicted of a felony have guns in the home?

refer the question to your state prosecutor's office


A convicted felon would not be able to practice law in Virginia or in any other state. An attorney would probably not choose to commit a felony to begin with.

Can the spouse obtain a real estate license in Texas if the other has a felony?

Yes, the felony conviction only bars the convicted felon from possessing one.

Can someone who was convicted of a felony nine years ago get a funeral directors license in Tennessee?

yeah sure