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The scientific answer is no-no it cannot drown,but if it is in the process of emerging and it gets in deep water besides just a tiny mist,then yes it will drown

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10y ago

Yes, that is why it is called Mexican Jumping Bean.

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Q: Can a Mexican jumping bean drown?
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Related questions

What is inside of the Mexican jumping bean?

Inside the Mexican jumping bean is a little moth caterpillar.

What causes a Mexican jumping bean to jump?

When the Mexican Jumping Bean jumps, it is because a moth larvae inside is moving around in it.

What is inside a Mexican jumping bean?

The Mexican jumping bean is not a bean at all but a seed capsule from the Mexican shrub Sebastiana pavoniana. Inside the seed there is a small larva or worm of the Laspeyresia Saltitansmoth. When it feels warm temperatures, it begins to twitch, thus making the bean to appear it is "jumping". Eventually, the moth will hatch, and you will see the small creature leaving the seed.

Are spiders smarter than human beans?

Yes, there is no such thing as a "human Bean" Mexican jumping bean maybe.

How do you know when a Mexican jumping bean dies?

If they don't jump at all for a while then there dead

When do Mexican jumping beans come out?

Theu emerge in May. It takes almost a year for them to come out from their "bean".

Can you plant Mexican jumping beans?

They jump because there is a moth larvae inside them. The moth lays its eggs in the flower, and the larvae then grow inside the bean, and eat the center out. They live there inside the bean and when they move, the bean moves. A benefit to the bean jumping is that when a bird is hungry it might want to eat the bean, but when it sees it jumping, it scares the bird. Then later they turn into moths that come out of the bean. See the Related link below for more information.

What does the moth from a Mexican Jumping Bean look like?

See related links for a photography. Look for the Cydia deshaisiana.

How does a Mexican jumping bean work?

Mexican jumping beans are not actually beans, but rather the seed capsules of a shrub. Inside the seed capsule, a larva of a small moth is present, and as the larva moves, it causes the bean to jump. The movement is a response to heat, which triggers the larva's muscles to contract, making the bean jump.

Why is your Mexican jumping bean cracked?

Jumping beans are not actually beans; these are cocoons of moth larvae. From time to time, these mature and leave the cocoon, thus looking that way.

What do you do after a Mexican jumping bean is a moth?

I read on the website called that after a moth has emerged u are supposed to set it free

What is the size of the jumping bean moth?

Mexican jumping beans are seed pods that have been invaded by the larva of a small moth. These moths can grow anywhere from an inch to two in size.