because of the price hike of the gasoline in Libya
The Governor of a state or the Present of the U.S. has the power to declare martial law in case of a state emergency. Either case is debatable in the U.S. Constitution and the state's Constitution.
Maryland - to seize its railroad and protect the Northern capital (Washington D.C)
Hitler threatened to declare war on Czechoslovakia because the Czech government declared martial law.
Martial law was declared for part of the Civil War by Abraham Lincoln in the state of Maryland. Maryland had many southern sympathizers. It was meant to keep order.
Maryland - to seize its railroad and protect the Northern capital (Washington D.C)
"Under what circumstances will you declare martial law?" means the same as "What will it take for you to declare martial law?". "Under what circumstances will black mold form?" means the same as "What conditions will result in black mold forming?" It asks what situation is required for the specified result to take place.
Actually the main reason why Marcos declare martial law, because he want to remain powerful even though his in his position. in short term remain the power on him.
because of the price hike of the gasoline in libya
Its not something that's "used". It just happens. When there's chaos or the government falls apart. During Hurricane Katrina there was a state of martial law.Added: The above statement is only partly true, It does not "just happen." The Governor of a state or the President of the US can declare Martial Law.Added:Martial law was never declared during or after Katrina and the term does not exist under Louisiana state law. Furthermore martial law, or the suspension of habeas corpus, cannot be declared federally without the approval of congress and even then only in cases of rebellion or invasion. Individual states and the federal government can declare a state of emergency which is similar, but does not throw the Constitution out of the window.The last time the federal government applied martial law was in Hawaii during WW2 after the Pearl Harbor attack.Habeas Corpus, is "to see the body" it is a legal term meaning the judge wants the person before him, and martial law was declared in Katrina it does not take congress, that's the suspension of posse comitatus, the state governor can declare martial law and he did, in Katrina