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No. Both countries would LOVE to reunify. They have wanted to reunify for decades, but the North Koreans want Korea to be a communist country and the South Koreans, who live in a thriving capitalist...well, as close to a democracy as you're going to get in a country that has elected such pieces of work as Syngman Rhee, Chun Doo Hwan and Roe Tae Woo*, don't want to be communists. * Chun Doo Hwan was president of South Korea from 1981 to 1988. Roh Tae Woo was president from 1988 to 1993. Kim Young Sam became president in 1993, and his first act was to have Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo thrown in jail.

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Q: Can Korea Be unified
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Where are the government headquarters of Korea located?

Korea is not one unified country at present. North Korea is ruled from Pyongyang and South Korea is ruled from Seoul.

What is a name of a democracy in South Korea?

The Republic of Korea (South Korea) is itself a singular and unified democracy. It has no constituent democracies within it.

Is it true that north Korea and south Korea were unified into a single nation at the end of the war?

No and they are still seprate countries

Who had control of Korea before it was split?

After Korea became independent after Japan in 1945, Korea didn't have unified government. US military controlled South and USSR controlled North.

What has the author Yun Kim written?

Yun Kim has written: 'Toward a unified Korea'

How was Korea unified?

It wasn't . There is still North Korea and South Korea .South Korea is thriving, while North Korea has many people doing without bare necessities. The US still maintains a significant military prescence in South Korea to protect them .

What is the responsibility of The United Nations Command?

The United Nations Command (UNC) is the unified command structure for the multinational military forces supporting the Republic of Korea (South Korea or ROK) during and after the Korean War.

Who gave the name Korea to Korea?

Korea is actually derived from a Korean word. 고려 (Goryeo) when it was phonetically translated, it turned into Korea. -edit- Goryeo was the first unified Korean kingdom. It emerged after the Northern and Southern Kingdoms period. Ko-rea is a rough romanization of Go-ryeo (also known as Ko-ryo)

What are 3 major time periods in North Korean history?

Throughout the entire recorded history of Northern Korea, there are arguably seven major periods. 1. Gojoseon (First Korean Kingdom) 2. Goguryeo (Three Kingdoms of Korea period) 3. Balhae (Northern and Southern kingdoms period) 4. Goryeo (Unified Korean Peninsula) 5. Joseon (Successor dynasty of the Unified Korean Peninsula) 6. Japanese Occupation (Northern Korea was home to many Korean anti-Japanese guerrilla units) 7. Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Present Day)

What was the history of Korea before the Korean War?

In short story...Gojoseon, a big country during the 2333 bc - 108 bc, proto three kingdoms Buyeo,Okjeo and Dongye. three kingdoms, goguryeo, baekje and sila. unified silla. later three kingdoms, taebong (later goguryeo), later baekje and unified silla. Goryeo (later goguryeo changes its name when Korea is unified again) then Joseon. Korean Empire and then the Japanese rule from 1910-1945. North and South division. one communist and one republic

What was the age of the three kingdoms in Korea?

The Three Kingdoms of Korea (Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla) existed from 57 AD until Silla's triumph over Goguryeo in 668. This marked the transition to the North and South States period of Unified Silla in the South and Balhae in the North.

What was NOT one of the main kingdoms of Korea that developed after colonization by the Chinese Han?

One of the main kingdoms of Korea that did not develop after colonization by the Chinese Han was the Unified Silla kingdom. The other three main kingdoms that emerged during this period were Goguryeo, Baekje, and Gaya.