To maintain its accreditation, University of Phoenix requires that all instructors have an advanced degree. You must also have relevant work experience in the course that you want to teach.
You should be able to. The University of Phoenix has a preferred regional accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, and is a College Board member. Therefore, the coursework and degree you completed through this university is recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers. However, to teach in the public school system you must have a bachelor's degree in an education program, and then you will have to seek state teachers certification.
You can take your IPN Defree online from the collage off University of Phoenix. This class are pretty easy if you study for them and keep your head and mind in what they teach.
You can be a student at a university. Complete your degree and then go back to the university to teach.
First, to become a teach, you must acquire a bachelor's degree in a teacher education program and then obtain state teachers certification. This goes for any state. If you take the degree in your home state you must obtain the certification. If you take the degree in another state and want to teach in your home state, you must obtain state teacher certification. Thus, it does not matter which state you take the degree, you must still have the state teachers certification. The critical issue is the college or university accreditation. The University of Phoenix has the preferred regional accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Thus, the coursework and degree you complete through this university will be recognized by all other states as well as employers. The university and education department within the university will appropriately advise you on procedure. Still, taking a teacher education program through this school is fine.
The minimum educational requirement to teach at the college or university level is a masters degree in the subject you are teaching, with a doctorate preferred.
Schools that teach you how to be a physician assistant include the University of Phoenix, Denver University, Heald College, Dakota College and Carrington College.
It depends where you want to teach and where you got your degree. Which institution or university did you earn it? Where you want to teach is also a factor, if you want to teach in an Islamic school then it shouldn't be a problem.
Yes, the minimum educational requirement to teach at a college or university is a master's degree.
The answer depends on the university. Usually, you need at least a Master's degree to teach at a university. I've never heard of a college professor with only a Bachelor's degree.
absolutely i currently am on an online school. try researching the university of phoenix.
you need a PhD degree