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Q: Can I claim unemployment in Texas from my job due to illness?
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Can you claim unemployment benefits if work is closed due to weather in Kentucky?

If you are unemployed, through no fault of your own, such as weather, then you can definitely claim your unemployment benefits.

If a person suffers from PTSD from the Military and had unemployment issues and owe back child support due to unemployment can they get the back support waived due to mental illness?

That's up to the judge, but it is possible.

Can you collect unemployment for having chickenpox?

No, unemployment is reserved for individuals who lose their jobs. If you live in a State in which you are provided with Sick pay you may take advantage of that if you miss work due to an illness.

how can i qulify for unemployment Can I qualify for if the doctor said I couldn't work due to my pregnancy?

In Texas, employees are eligible for benefits if they voluntarily leave a job due to pregnancy.

If you resign from your job and then go work for a temp agency can you collect unemployment in between assignments?

You should contact your state unemployment agency for rules relevant to your situation in your state. The fact that you are unemployed is due to your own decision to resign, so that adversely impacts your ability to claim unemployment.

Can you receive unemployment if your store manager let you go due to a low budget but on the separation notice they claim job performance?

I would say yes, technically you were terminated.

If you get laid off due to having a prolonged illness can you collect unemployment in Illinois?

Depending on the interpretation, the below Related Link, Illinois U.I. Act, part XI (Claimant Benefits), Section F.1., seem to say that if you left work voluntarily due to not being physically able to perform the work (with physician's certification to that effect), you might be eligible for unemployment. Otherwise, if it was work related injury/illness you might be eligible for workers compensation.

Is it possible to get child support lowered in the state of Texas due to unemployeement?

Yes, but unemployment insurance/disability benefits are considered income for purposes of calculating child support.

Can you get unemployment if you are fired for fraud?

There are a number of factors that disqualify an individual from receiving unemployment compensation. Being terminated from your job due to misconduct, criminal activity, or incompetence invalidates your claim for UI.

Can you collect unemployment in Texas if you get fired?

You are usually eligible to receive unemployment benefits even if you were fired so long as you were not fired for "gross misconduct," the definition of which is determined by the state unemployment agency and seems, in Texas, to include "work-related misconduct, neglect, or mismanagement" according to a Texas Unemployment website (see "Related Links"). You have nothing to lose by filing for unemployment benefits and should do so right away. Include all pertinent information so the unemployment agency has as much information as possible. They will contact your previous employer and will allow you to dispute anything your employer says, but make sure you are being honest and have documented the situation well.

how renovations due to illness ?

Is there a grant that helps provide renovations that need to happen due to illness

How did the depression challenge the traditional belief of Hoover in rugged individualism?

The welfare system was created during the Great Depression. This system helps those families that are in need due to illness or high unemployment rates.