Well considering there is a Greek god of sleep (Hypnos) it must have been possible for them to do so if they wanted to ... but as they are mythological entities the point is rather moot.
The Greek gods are laws unto themselves, so sleep or not is likely, as there was a god of sleep.
Hypnos is the Greek god of sleep in the ancient mythology and a son of Nyx and Erebus. He is the minor Olympian god of sleep. His Roman counterpart is Somnus.
The Greek gods were personifications of forces of nature and abstract ideals, like victory or sleep. They Greeks made the gods in their own image, giving them all-too-human personalities and traits (such as hubris, lust and jealousy).
Hypnus: Greek god of sleep. Though I suspect any of them could have done so if it had occurred to them to do so, or they had reason.
no they would give the food to the gods!
No, the Greek gods are myth.
Gods from Greek Mythology:AphroditeApolloArtemisAthenaDionysusHeraHermesPoseidonZeus
Yes, the Greek gods are immortal.
greek people adored the gods and they say that depending on how much they adore them the gods helped them.
Zeus was the ruler of the Greek Gods and Kronos was the ruler of the Titans.
Greek villians are Titans. And titans arent greek gods. THey're TITANS.
Greek gods