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No, i have never seen one, no doctor will treat without initial deposit

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Q: Can DR. keep you in hospital and not let you go till you pay bill in lagos Nigeria?
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Does Spring Clinic Specialist Hospital exist in Lagos Nigeria?

so one that is anther state who keeps saying that they are coming when they get the money and you already sent a lot of money to them over there and they keep saying the need more

What was the outcome of Nigeria civil war?

At the time of the surrender, the victorious General Gowon happened to be occupying a large printworks in Lagos, at the time of year when they were printing degree-certificates for the University of Nigeria. The General told the printers to keep the machines going - and mysteriously, all his soldiers ended up with a university degree.

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The British controlled Nigeria from 1900 until 1960. They used administrative restructuring to keep control of Nigeria for the 60 years.

In a hospital were would the keep the medicine?

At the hospital pharmacy, of course.

How long will a hospital keep autopsy reports?

Call the hospital.

Can a hospital keep you from seeing a patient?

Under the right conditions, yes, a hospital can keep you from seeing a patient. If the patient is contagious, is undergoing surgery, or is in ICU (which is the most probable reason), a hospital can keep you from seeing a patient.

Are you responsible for a bill if you never receive a statement?

Apparently so.I recently received a letter informing me that I was being sued for a hospital bill from 2005 that I had never received a bill for.Luckily I was able to set up a payment plan and keep it from going to court and becoming a judgment against me.

What fish are found off the coast of Nigeria?

they have babies then die then their babies do the same and keep swimming

What can the president keep a bill for?

He can't keep the bill. He can sign it, veto it, or do a pocket vote by letting it sit 10 days.

Abuja, Nigeria?

Abuja is the capital of the Nigeria and is the home of many embassies from all over the world. It is a new city, founded in the 80’s and became the formal capital of Nigeria in 1991 replacing the former capital Lagos. There are a number of good places to visit in Abuja such as the Nicon-Noga Hilton hotel which is one of the finest five star hotels in Nigeria. The Abuja stadium is another popular tourist destination where people can go enjoy sports and other leisure activities. The ship house defense building is also frequently visited by tourist who come to admire the architectural marvel of the building which was designed to look like a ship. With tourist attractions like these listed above, Abuja is an incredible destination with lots of sights and sounds to keep tourists entertained throughout their stay.

What happens if you have no insurance and pregnant and almost ready to go into labor will the hospital bill you or keep the baby till you pay?

If they feel like you cannot provide a good home for the baby then yes they can keep it. If you do not pay then they will assume that since you do not have the money to pay the hospital bills then you will not have enough money to take care of a baby. If this happens then the baby will go into custody of the state and you will lose ALL legal rights to it. Good luck! XOXO

Can medical bills be taken from state tax return?

The answer to this question depends on what state you live in. Laws differ from state to state. In South Carolina, however, any state operated hospital does have the right and will keep state tax refunds in order to satisfy an unpaid hospital bill. The state will notify a person in advance via a letter.