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By the end of 1940, Germany had conquered just about every country that had previously opposed it. The one country left unconquered was Great Britain, thanks in large part to the fact that it was protected by the English Channel.

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Q: By the end of 1940 Germany had conquered all of the following countries except?
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What countries did Germany occupy in World War 2?

Every country in Europe except Britain, Ireland, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Turkey in Europe and Bulgaria was occupied by Nazi Germany. Italy was part of the Axis, but when Italy became an unwilling ally it was occupied. Finland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria were Axis allies. Of these countries, Hungary and parts of Romania were occupied. The Germans also occupied all of North Africa west of Egypt. Here is a list: * Albania * Austria * Belgium * Byelorussia (part of the USSR) * Channel Islands (part of Britain) * The Crimea (part of the USSR) * Czechoslovakia (absorbed half, the other half forming the country of Slovakia) * Denmark * Estonia * France * Greece * Latvia * Lithuania * Luxembourg * Netherlands (Holland) * Norway * Poland * Russia (partially) * The Sudentenland * Parts of the Transcaucus region (part of the USSR) * Ukraine (part of the USSR) * Yugoslavia In addition, a large part of Italy after the country changed sides in 1943, and Hungary in 1944-45.Denmark, and NorwayGermany seized, annexed or absorbed the following countries before the start of World War Two: Austria & Czechoslovakia Germany invaded the following countries during World War Two: Poland, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Yugoslavia, Greece, Egypt (colony of Great Britain), and the Soviet Union. Germany also attacked Great Britain and seized several British islands in the English Channel. The Germans occupied the following entire countries: Czech Republic (portion of Czechoslovakia), Poland, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Yugoslavia, & Greece. They occupied a large portion of the western areas of the Soviet Union and some small islands of Great Britain in the English Channel. After the Italian government switched sides from the Axis to the Allies (in 1943), then the Germans occupied the northern part of Italy still in their (Axis) control.It depends which year.At the 'high tide' mark (mid 1942) of the elite Wehrmacht force, Germany's fighting force has conquered/ made alliances with:Austria (Political)The Rhineland (re-militarised)Czechoslovakia (Demonstration of force -> Political)Poland (Conquered -> USSR invaded from the East 6 days after the start and split Poland in half)Hungary (Conquered then alliance)Yugoslavia (Conquered)Romania (Conquered then alliance)Belarus (Conquered)Greece (Conquered -> at great expense especially on Crete to the Fallschirmjager)France (Conquered by Ardennes Thrust to Paris)Belgium (Conquered)Netherlands (Conquered)Denmark (Conquered)Italy (Tripartite Pact -> Alliance)Japan (Tripartite Pact -> Alliance)Morocco (Vichy French held this country - Conquered Nation held)Algeria (Allied Italy held this country)Tunisia (Allied Italy held this country)Libya (Conquered)Egypt (Partially Conquered, held onto by fierce British resistance)Norway (Conquered)Finland (Fought against a bit -> Alliance)East Prussia (Owned pre-war)Lithuania (Conquered during Barbarossa)Latvia (Conquered during Barbarossa)Estonia (Conquered during Barbarossa)Russia (A massive chunk Conquered - Stretching from Stalingrad (Caucasus) in the South, to Leningrad in the North - stopped 6 miles from Moscow (The Kremlin was in sight over the horizon)So... quite a few countries then :P