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Q: Brazils huge interior plateeau drops steeply to the lowlands beyond to form?
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How do you use steeply in sentence?

He saw the road rise steeply off into the distance.

Is steep an adverb?

No, steep is not an adverb. This is an adjective and occasionally a verb.The adverb form is steeply.

What is an unusually high elevation that rises steeply?


An unusually high elevation that rises steeply?


Where land meets sea very steeply?

the coastline?

Which river drops steeply at Victoria Falls?

The Zambezi River

What is where the sea meets land called?

Steeply? a cliff maybe?

What is the steeply sloped side of a dune called?

a slip face

What is an unusually high elevation that rises steeply called?


What kind of landform rises steeply from the land around?

i think is hill

What is a sentence using altitude?

This ridgeline rises steeply to a much higher altitude.

What occurs when a river falls steeply?

a waterfall