There were many provisional government. China has a provisional government after the Wuhan incident on the October 1911 incident and a full fall of Qing Dynasty in 1912. Russia had a provisional government after a February Revolution in 1917 which was not a planned incident.So which country's provisional government are you talking about. If Russia, then the Bolsheviks led by Lenin and Trotsky had caused an October Revolution that overthrow the provisional government and set up a communist government.If China, then I am not too sure.
Russia's provisional government was made up of members of the middle class.
The Russian Provisional Government of 1917 replaced the Tsar. Originally, it was made up of members of the Kadet coalition, which wasÊlater replaced by the Socialist coalition.
October 1917
It allowed the Bolshevik socialists to gain power and eventually establish the U.S.S.R. (Soviet Union).
The Provisional Government under Prince Georgy Lvov came to power immediately after the March Revolution. Three months later Alexander Kerensky took over the Provisional Government. In October, Vladimir Lenin took all power when he and the Bolsheviks overthrew the Provisional Government.
The Russian Provisional Government of 1917 replaced the Tsar. Originally, it was made up of members of the Kadet coalition, which wasÊlater replaced by the Socialist coalition.
the soviet party the Bolsheviks
The Russian Provisional Government was overthrown on October 25, 1917. This date is according to the Julian calendar in use in Russia at that time. Under the Gregorian calendar, which the western nations used, it was November 7, 1917.The overthrow was known as the October or Bolshevik or Communist Revolution.The provisional government lost the support of many Russians because it did not allocate land to the poor peasants, and the decision to keep Russia in World War One.
His official title was 'Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias', so no. He had complete control of everything and all power and decision making lay with him and him alone. The communist government rose up after the second revolution of October 1917, in which the provisional government that had been put in place after the Tsar's abdication in March of 1917 was overthrown.
Trotsky's Red Army had no role in the October Revolution, since it was not yet in existence on October 25, 1917. Trotsky's Bolshevik dominated Military Revolutionary Committee (MRC) within the Petrograd military garrison is the military force that had a role in the October Revolution. The soldiers in the garrison gave their allegiance to the MRC instead of to their own commanders when the Provisional Government was about to send the garrison to the front to fight the Germans. The MRC thus turned the Provisional Government's own military force against it. The Provisional Government was powerless to stop the Bolshevik military coup that was the "October Revolution."
In 1917 there were two revolutions in Russia. The first one dethroned the Czar Nicolas and a provisional government was established. In October of 1917, the Bolsheviks lead by Vladimir Lenin, overthrew the provisional government and established a dictatorship of the proletariat.