The phone number of the Scott Branch is: 337-232-9321.
The phone number of the Scott County Library is: 620-872-5341.
The phone number of the Scott City Branch is: 573-264-2413.
The phone number of the Scott Township Public Library is: 412-429-5380.
The phone number of the Scott Bar Branch Library is: 530-496-3248.
The phone number of the Fort Scott Public Library is: 620-223-2882.
An official fan phone number for Andrew Scott is not known at this time.
The phone number of the Scott County Library is: 479-637-3516.
The phone number of the Scott Candler Branch is: 404-286-6986.
The phone number of the Scott High School is: 423-663-2805.
The phone number of the Scott County Home is: 812-752-1050.
The phone number for the Scott County Public Library in Georgetown is (502) 863-3566.