The average day-time temperature for November is approx 10 deg C.
The record low temperature in March in Charlotte was 4 degrees.
Charlotte, NC
The current temperature today in Charlotte at 3:30 Pm is 70 degrees.
The crime rate in Charlotte, NC is considered average. South Carolina has the lower crime rate among North Carolina and South Carolina.
The annual average precipitation in Charlotte, NC is around 43 inches. The wettest months are typically May and June, while the driest months are usually October and November.
Yes. There are acting auditions in Charlotte, NC.
Queens University of Charlotte is located in Charlotte, NC. Queens Road is the name of a street in Charlotte, NC.
the average temperature in the nc Piedmont region is 59 degrees F.
You did not specify which Spartanburg was being referred to, so:Spartanburg, IN to Charlotte, NC is approximately: 511.82milesSpartanburg, SC to Charlotte, NC is approximately: 74.24miles.
The halfway point between Greensboro, NC and Charlotte, NC is Salisbury, NC
It is a distance of 165 miles from Charlotte. Will take you around 3 hours to drive from Charlotte, NC to Hot Springs, NC.