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Q: Athens enjoyed a golden age under the leadership of?
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The Delian league united greek city-states under the leadership of?


Pericles declared war?

Under the leadership of Sparta they declared war on Athens

Who developed a direct domacracyin ancient history?

Athens, under the leadership of Pericles.

How many allies did Athens have?

The members of the Delian League, which was formed under the leadership of Athens ranged from 150 to 173 Greek city-states.

Who was a famous Greek general who governed Athens and helped create its golden age?

The Golden Age was of Athens. Under the leadership of Pericles, it turned the Delian league which it had led against the Persian Empire into an empire of its own, milking it of money to support its own building programme, sponsoring the arts and learning, and putting half its own citizens on the public payroll. The pillaged cities didn't find it so golden, so it wasn't Greece, it was Athens which got the gold and easy life.

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Spain enjoyed a Golden Age under the Moors because the Moors brought advanced education, architecture, technology, and healthcare to Spain.

In 480bc the independent Greek city states formed an alliance under the leadership of Athens and Sparta during their conflict with the?

the persians

After the Persian wars ended Athens became a powerful and wealthy city-state under the leadership of a man named?


What government in Athens made people the most happy?

The golden age of Greece was under Pericles who was an enlightened dictator.

Were The Beginnings Of Democracy Seen In Athens A Little More Than 400 B.C?

It began in 508 BCE under the leadership of Cleisthenes.

The beginnings of democracy were seen in Athens a little more than 400 B.C.?

It began in 508 BCE under the leadership of Cleisthenes.

Greek city-states formed a alliance under the leadership of Athens and Sparta during their conflict with who?

during the greeco-persian war...