Ankara, the capital of Turkey, is located at approximately 39.9334° N latitude and 32.8597° E longitude.
Ankara, Turkey.
Turkey is located at 40 north latitude and 32 degrees east longitude.
Ankara is the capital of Turkey.Ankara is the capital of Turkey.
Ankara, Turkey.
Ankara is the capital of Turkey.
The capital of Turkey is Ankara. Some people mistake the capital of turkey as Istanbul but it is not. It is Said that Istanbul was the capital of the Ottoman empire.
Ankara, Turkey
The capital of Turkey is Ankara.
Ankara is the capital of Turkey.
Ankara is the capital of Turkey
The capital of Turkey is Ankara which is located in central Anatolia. Ankara was preferred to Istanbul, which had been the capital of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires for hundreds of years, because Istanbul was considered vulnerable to potential enemy attacks and also housed much of the Ancien Regime Intelligentsia. The new nation of Turkey chose Ankara as its capital as it was located in the middle of Anatolia (Asian Turkey).Ankara is the capital of the Republic of Turkey.