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now adays kids of 13 and 14 are also not responsible for their actions from 15 kids start to become responsible.

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Q: At what age does a child become morally responsible for his actions?
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Are you responsible for your child at 21 years of age?

Not at all they are an adult at the age of 18. At 21 they are fully responsible for their own actions.

Is a parent responsible for their child's actions after they turn 18?

Legally, parents are typically not responsible for their child's actions once they turn 18. At this age, individuals are considered adults and are held accountable for their own actions. However, this can vary depending on specific circumstances and situations.

Are parents legally responsible for their children's actions who are above the age of 18 in California?

No, the child is 18 therefor an adult in charge of their own actions.

Who is responsible when a child or young adult commons a crime?

When a child or young adult commits a crime, they are generally held responsible for their actions. However, depending on the circumstances and the age of the individual, parents or legal guardians may also be held responsible for the child's actions. Additionally, the justice system may offer rehabilitation programs for juvenile offenders to help them reintegrate into society.

Is the father still responsible for child support even if the court papers say he's not?

Legally, it would depend on the exact legislation. Morally, almost certainly

Can parents be held liable for there 19 years old child's actions?

No, at age 19, the "child" is an adult responsible for his own actions. The parent has no legal authority to make the 19 year old do what the parent wishes, therefore the parent cannot be held liable for the child's actions.

Can an adult be sued for something done as a child?

Unless it is punishable by law, children are not legally held accountable for their actions, but their parents can because they are responsible for the actions of their children.

What happens when a minor child hits a parked car with his bike?

Unfortunately, the parent (s) of the child are liable for the damages to the car, since they're fully responsible for the child's actions.

Is a parent legally responsible in Arizona for a child of 18 years old?

In Arizona, parents are not legally responsible for their 18-year-old child's actions or financial support. At age 18, individuals are considered legal adults and are responsible for themselves.

What are the parents perceived roles in inculcating values to the child at home?

I don't know about 'perceived' but they do have an objective role. To morally guide the child and prepare him for independence as an adult.

Should parents remain the owners of their child's life insurance policy after the child is a legal adult and married?

There not anything "wrong" with that morally or legally, especially if they are still paying for it. Generally though a parent will hand it over to their child once they consider them responsible enough to handle it themselves.